What she should have said
I heard from Jessica, my old girlfriend.
When I last emailed her, I asked her “what was important to you.” I know she doesn’t know. I know she looks in the wrong places.
She never answers the question.
Well, she emails me back “….How are you?…Sorry I haven’t written earlier…I’ve been busy…I’m thinking of you…”
Um, Yeah…Say Goodbye.
When I last emailed her, I asked her “what was important to you.” I know she doesn’t know. I know she looks in the wrong places.
She never answers the question.
Well, she emails me back “….How are you?…Sorry I haven’t written earlier…I’ve been busy…I’m thinking of you…”
Um, Yeah…Say Goodbye.
hahahaha, "sorry i haven't written earlier... i've been busy... i'm thinking of you..." wow, well, i guess the world is all sunshine and puppy dogs and shit after she sent that. never mind if she was thinking of you then should have written earlier. and how busy can she be? you're fighting a was and manage to send out an email... i mean really. sorry, sometimes women piss me off. and believe it or not, i prefer shallow girls like this. you always know where they're coming from... but wow... sorry dude, it's a short post, but it sparked a fire in me.
fighting a was = fighting a war... i am we todd it.
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Sorry, the deletion was me . . . decided I divulged a bit too much about a friend's love life, so I will stick with the following:
Girls are stupid.
I'm so sorry.
I hate when women don't say what they mean.
I will always say what I mean . . unless (selfish alert) I think it would cause me to feel rejection. But telling you POLITELY good-bye is ALWAYS the right thing to do.
Sorry you're going through this, sugar plum.
I don't want to date the shallow ones, I want the unconventional, funny, independant, inspiring, and way smarter than me, kind of girl. Some of those qualities are easy to attain, however.
and your off the hook, I fuck every oppurtunity i get to spell or type cerectly
you my lay-dee, are always so encouraging, thanks for apologizing for all of your kind, but it wasn't nessecary, you did me a better service by clueing me into to the "girly moment" phenomenom. (See your comment list,on bush wacked)
I guess southern girls aren't all bad
This is your third offense now, in my blog. This time the rule broken, was you must agree unequivicoly with everything I write. If there's any confusion, see my profile. I am the voice of objection, me alone.
We'll get through this thing, hang in there.
Honey bee, of course I'm encouraging. And, babe, I saw your comment and you're welcome. Yes, we're nuts and we have "girl moments" . . .some of us have fewer than others - some are just "girls" all the time. Luckily, I'm not them. I rarely have "girl moments", but I apologize for them when they occur.
Anything else you want me to clue you in on???????
Yep, girls can be totally heinous... Meg and I have started a list of crappy girls like this... We plan on kickin some serious ass when the list is complete.. these trashy girls gvie the rest of us good ones a bad name..
Hey RG- for a can of skoal and 12 pack of PBR, I know some guys back in East TN that would make her "disappear" for good... ;)
Hang in there Pumpkin!!
Everyone admires the selfless figurehead, who stands up and takes the blame for the deviance of others. Unfortunatley, that person always get's told to sit back down, by the group they defend, too bad.
And yes, there is plenty more I want to know. Where the hell do I begin! Maybe we can work out some sort of exchange program.
BeachGirl...take a seat, move right on up to the front row and thanks for coming over.
I appreciate your support, and yes I've known others girl who I could speak a little more fondly of. That's interesting though, becuase she was one of my longer relatioships. Whatever.
I took your offer into consideration, but I could never part with a 12 pack. Back to negotiations.
and whats the deal with all the nicknames, just how close are you to megan?
I'm from the south, we give everyone nicknames... For the first 5 years of my life I thought my name was shuug...
And when you say, how close are meg and I? Do you mean in a logistical way or a biblical way?? ;)
I am so not addressing our closeness. NOT happening.
Rolli, baby boy, what kind of exchange program did you have in mind??? Because I may be TOTALLY down for it.
yeah, if i don't have spell check, i'm usually done for. my brain gets ahead of my fingers and next thing you know i'm typing with no vowels. it's fun sometimes. till you try to read it. anyhow, off to try to find me a wife for the night. i haven't had any success in the last memorable past... so i think tonight is my night.
She's not worthy of you. Simple as that. Don't reply. Let her stew in her own juice.....or sumthin ;)
oh yeah?? What are you going to do if I disagree again? Spank me?
Yeah, thats what I thought.
I VOTE YOU SPANK HER! SPANK HER LIKE THE INSOLENT GIRL SHE IS! then comfort her. THEN SPANK HER SOME MORE! oh, where did that come from... damn heidi... hehehehe.
please don't give me any choices...logistics or theology, let's keep it simple, how 'bout proximity.
We first must ask ourselves what is it we can learn from each other. We can go on from there.
I think wives typically want that title for more than a night. I am not sure though, good luck to you anyway.
good advice, and don't worry I won't, but it has nothing to do with stewing in her juices, that would suggest I am still trying to effect her in some way. "say goodbye"
where does all of this disobediance come from?
first is "pooh" a nickname as well, because I beginning to have an identity crisis, if you don't know what i am talking about then forget I said anything or see meghann or beach.
Q/A no, I don't want to be with her, were not a match. I don't need to discover anything about her, I asked her that question to kind of facilitate something or other, i'm leaving some things out, hard to explain.
Thanks for the questions though.
I'm not sure what to say...but i think there is alot of good intentions behind your message.
Hmm . . . an exchange could most definitely be arranged. I'm already contemplating my posers for you, sugar.
what the hell does that mean, please insert more words into that message. thank you.
Oh holy buddha, expand your vocab, baby boy.
It means I'm very excited about the prospect of sharing knowledge. It also means I'm already thinking of what kinds of questions to ask you . . . are any topics off limit . . or are we just exchanging secret men and women info?
I can't expand my voabulary any further, I already don't understand half the words in it.
As for off limits material. As far as I concerned, nothing is off limits for me. I'm not afraid of anything.
That doesn't mean I will likely post all answers to questions you ask, I'll answer them for you becacuse I trust you and respect your insights, however some may have to be done via email.
Any rules that you would like to enforce?
I hate limitations.
Anything goes.
Having said that . . I just thought of a rule.
You may ask NO questions that you would/will not willingly answer yourself. I forget that I always impose this rule when delving into the unknown.
However, as with yourself, some answers may be given via e-mail. God knows the whole blogosphere knows my deepest and darkest secret, but there are still some things I'm not certain I wish to air.
I like being insolent.
It leads to spankings...
That Chud seems to want to give me...
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