Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thank you for your time..Goodbye.

We met on Christmas Day. The sun wasn't even up yet.

I wanted to know what it meant to you, to serve your country? How could you have explained it to someone you didn’t know? When I first met you, you told me right away. So easily, without any hesitation. But there wasn’t anything I could say in return. The explanation you gave was deeper and more profound than anything I could’ve imagined. There is more than one way to answer that question, with an infinite possibility of direction, but you said everything so simply, almost without saying anything at all.

Your apartment is in California. Your number is 108. You forgot to mention if there was anyone there waiting for you. I imagine there was. Why else would you carry so many calling cards?

What does the ring on your dog chain mean? Is it something romantic or is it a memory of yours?

You spoke of your faith. All the more evident, by the spiritual possessions you showed me. You believe in a higher purpose. And your not afraid to fight for one either.

I notice that you’re a SGT. I am too. So what kinds of things did you do to make life better for the people around you? I’m not trying to judge, I ask everyone this question, whether they know it or not. I just happen to notice the notebook you had. It had some notes in it. I thought they might be for your soldiers.

I forgot to say Happy Belated Birthday, you just turned 24 on the 18 of this month. Did you get to speak to your family? Did you get what you wanted from the person in your apartment?

I hope the watch you wear on your left hand, had ticked slowly that day, your 24’th birthday. I hope it ticked long enough for you to enjoy every second of celebration and memory you had brought with you.

Your platoon was hit by an RPG. What did you think had happened at that moment? Did you think of your country? Did you think about who was in your apartment, waiting for you? What do you remember about that day, about your life? There wasn’t enough time for you to ask yourself those questions, but I know you thought about it.

The RPG hit. It exploded and placed a hole inside of your body. In some mortal sense of divine justification, the whole was large and eternal. It was enough to release your sacrifice, the love for your family, your spirit and the inspiration of your fortitude.

The wrist that held your time was gone.

Thank you for everything. You’re an American Soldier. You took an oath and you honored your word. There couldn’t be a more perfect definition.

Your watch stopped ticking at 1436.

She died on Christmas Eve.

Her number is 2,166.



Blogger Drunken Chud said...


10:14 AM  
Blogger Steph said...

My god, that is so very sad. Words can't describe how moved and helpless i felt reading that.

Thank you for sharing.

5:47 PM  
Blogger beachgirl said...

RG- that was so very moving and beautifully written.. Thank you for sharing.. I hope you are alright..
Lifting up a prayer for the fallen and for you as well..

8:18 PM  
Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

" !"

8:59 PM  
Blogger Rolligun said...

carry on soldier

Glad you liked it, i do that everyday, she had a little more going on than most of them, not nessecarily physical damage, because I've seen way worse, but in regards to just having a birthday, the xmas eve thing and all that. Otherwise, everyone always has things with them that I read into. It is sad. IED's are no joke.

your way to articulate for this kind of thing. (thanks though)

your a man of few words...

well said, this is what I see.

11:00 PM  
Blogger Rolligun said...

thanks for the wonderful comments and I appreciate your concern for me, but don't worry, I will be fine.

11:01 PM  
Blogger meghansdiscontent said...

I'm saving my articulation skills for something worthy.

This didn't need my words. You said so much . . . all words were taken.

I hope you are okay, iron maiden.

2:41 AM  
Blogger Chairborne Stranger said...

well there is this part of the war as well. there are a lot of things that we understand between us, in our little parts of the war and what we see. take care.

3:07 AM  

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