Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This isn't going to count....for awhile

I've been meaning to start a new blog. An interim blog. One that would allow me to just blather away with out order, reason or humor. And not give one shit about meating interest or standard.

But...I couldn't find an accectable title, even if it was temporary. Futhermore, it's taken me several months just to open a blog. So it's probably best that I stick with a familiar address.

I'm looking for a place type. To type out loud. To get started again, but maybe a little differently than I'm used too.

Have you ever read about yourself as the theme of someone's blog? It's fun. I've been dating this girl for about seven months and we are kind of at an impasse. Maybe more on that some other time.

Anyway, an old friend of mine text messaged me one day and says...

"Does someone have a girlfriend?"


"Do you live in the same building?


"I think your girlfriend has a blog..."

I didn't know this.

Yup, I was properly identified as the subject of my girlfriends blog by a friend who stumbled across it. The investigative prowress of an innocent party.

The drama didn't last long however, as the blog was cancelled. A consequence of someone reading my text messages.

I guess it's fair. Blogs can be personal too. And I read hers.